Monday 29 February 2016



LOVE is something beautiful, a desire, a feeling that one would like to catch. LOVE is the feeling that makes you feel alive. LOVE is something that may never go away. Love is forever, only the partners change .Love surrounds us like light. We are warmed by the charm of our devotion. When someone else’s happiness is your happiness that’s love. Love is the same for a poor man, and a king. Love is when you have the chance to leave but choose to stay.

Love is the killer of creativity, this is evident in all cases where you find two grown ups do nothing as adults but make silly decisions like eloping all in the name of love. Mature brains stop thinking where love begins. Some have even gone to the extent of opting to have nothing rather than each other but let's be realistic for once; will this love without work bring food on the table or serve you with a bed of roses? Love with your heart but also take your mind with you.

Love is both the best and worst feeling a human could ever have. Its best when you are treated good with your partner and the feeling of having someone who cares a lot about you. It gives one the morale to carry on till eternity and in that search for eternal love comes the worst feeling. One may not be ready for a lifelong commitment hence a disagreement comes up due to contradiction of thoughts and expectations. That is why I insist on taking your brain with you as you love.

A lot of sacrifices are made for love but some are stupid and unreasonable. You find a guy who has no future living with a lady who has not even informed her parents of her whereabouts as if they are married. If you can’t inform your parents why live together? Its immaturity of the highest order..take your brain with you in love. Love is the best and the worst all the same.

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