Monday 29 February 2016


By JEMEDARI Mwanawakiume

The rain poured after a long week of dusts and many considered that a blessing.

As the sun set and the moon struggled to come through from the clouds that still covered the sky, love which is meant to make people live long was taking an Egerton university six feet under.

It is a story of Love gone sour,a story of partners who have had difficulty in their stay together that the only option seem to be left with the Man of the house was to Kill his lover and maybe escape.

It is reported that at around Seven in the evening the neighbors to the late Sharon Mmbone who until her untimely death was a students at Egerton university in the faculty of education and community studies taking history and Religion heard some commotion and screaming coming from the house, something they considered normal till they saw smoke engulfing from the room and rushed to check what was happening. Upon their arrival,they had had to put off the fire through the window because the door was locked from inside. It is said that her lover had set the mattress on fire so as they would all die in the smoke together with their baby who remains alive and full of health to today.

All this time from the scream put out by the lady,she was being knifed mercilessly. The screams went off ,a thud on the floor and Sharon Mbone was no more. Its then that the neighbors managed to break in and grab the baby from the killer before descending on him with stones and metals the mob justice way.

The incident happened in Njokerio,the boyfriend too later succumbed to the beatings moments after police arrived at the scene.

Sources on the ground hints at the possible cause of this sad happening to be the fear to face up with the responsibility that comes with being a a father since its reported that the baby was only a week old.

Sharon’s boyfriend according to the residents was not a student ,they have had issues together to an extent of Sharon being disowned by her family. The bitter part of this love story is that the two forgot that they had an innocent child to look after.

As their bodies rest in the mortuary ,the child who still now cannot know what happened and where the parents are needs proper maintenance and care.

Its true most campus students are into relationships. Love is a beautiful thing. Love is from God. The problem is the people in love. Strive to know your partner and value what is important in life. Above all,


May the souls of the two Love Birds rest in eternal peace and may their story teach many.

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