Tuesday 14 March 2023

Why Rutto Will Give in to Raila's Demands


 By Jackson Kinyanjui

In Kenya, we have been witnessing a political feud between President Ruto and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga. The latter has made demands on the government, threatening to hold peaceful demonstrations on 20th March 2023 to force the government to comply. Although the protests were supposed to begin last week, they have been postponed to 20th March. The economic situation in the country is dire, and peace and food are what Kenyans need most. All leaders need to unite to fight hunger, poverty, and tribalism, which are causing Kenya to bleed.

President Ruto has refused to meet Raila's demands, insisting that he is acting in accordance with the law. However, it is highly likely that they will eventually have a handshake, just as the events of unfolded in 2017.

Looking at two examples of mass protests that have made presidents flee or resign, one clear indication is that power belongs to the people. President Ruto will not want to let things escalate to that point for two main reasons.

Firstly, he is a man of God who will not let people die on the street just to prove a point. In 2017, more than 30 people lost their lives due to similar protests. Secondly, the international community and investors will give him a cold shoulder if there is political instability in the country. Political stability is good for business, and instability will lead to unemployment and economic instability, which no leader wants. Lastly, the business community in Nairobi will not want to close their businesses for weeks because of the protests. They will put pressure on Dr. Ruto to resolve the issue and return things to normalcy. President Ruto enjoyed their support in the 2022 elections and still needs their support in the upcoming 2027 elections.

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