Thursday 2 March 2023

Blessed March Folks

 By Ivan  Harry 

I have to confess that listening in on other people's conversations is one of my toxic traits. I partially blame my lecturers for this behavior because they constantly remind us to be startlingly alert and to be fully conscious of what's going on in our surroundings as media students.

Free Wi -fi is one campus privilege that I make great use of. Today is no exception. Two ladies swiftly walked by to join a group of guys seated at one end. They exchanged hugs, as is the campus norm, before beginning a quiet discussion. They were quietly talking of how companionship has evolved into sex for amusement and leisure in modern campus society. They also concurred that both sexes can now have as many as ten sexual partners, and that finding partners is no longer an issue.

"These days, you simply must have an intercourse when the urge strikes. It's very normal", one of the guys remarked. The other guy responded with great excitement, "exactly! It's no longer difficult to find a sexual partner in these areas (campus). You simply call another lady if the first one says no. And they are numerous, not just two or three ".

As the conversation became more interesting, I pretended to be exceedingly busy browsing content on my phone. One of the ladies openly acknowledged that women nowadays prey men for sex.

"You'll see a lady visiting a butcher shop, buy beef worth 100 shillings, and cook it skillfully. She then makes numerous calls to her male besties, inviting them over for dinner until one shows up. That's it, then ". The lady said.

Before I knew it, it started to drizzle, so I had to walk to a shelter.

 The new month has nonetheless begun well for the Moi University comrades. It has drizzled for the first time since we set foot in the main campus this semester! What a fete! The air is crisp cool and it smells so fresh. The dust has vanished and the roads have traces of mud. We thank God for the 'rain'.

The situation is however different in University of Kabianga. Save for the dust, Nipashe Campus Flavour reports that Kabianga comrades are really disappointed after the Chief hasoraa failed to turn up for their 10th anniversary celebrations despite having confirmed attendance earlier on. He is said to have instead sent the Education CS Machogu to represent him.

It's interesting to note that the University of Kabianga closed its main gate A  few weeks ago and made some minor repairs here and there in preparation for the Commander in Chief. For weeks, comrades, lecturers and staff had to bath in dust as they used alternative gates to access the institution. How disappointing.

Happy March folks

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