Thursday 16 February 2023

Men's Conference ,Valentine's

 Men's Conference ,Valentine's 


By Mboto Harry Ivan.

This year's 14th of February was a beehive of activities, with lovers uniting to mark the highly publicised Valentine’s Day, faithful converging at Nyayo Stadium to join president Ruto and first lady "prophetess" Rachel in praying for rains, and men flocking different parts of the country for the annual men's conference.

In the past years, most people have believed Men's Conference to be imaginary. Nothing unites Kenyans more than the memes and banter over Valentine’s Day. There is usually a lot going om on social media. From men sharing sarcasm and how much “fun” they derive from ignoring ladies' astronomical demands during the said day. In the evening you'll find all of the men with their wives or lovers; they were only buying time for dusk to descend, the way a mutura seller does before customers start streaming in the evenings.

 After about three years of the non-existent conference, celebrated Citizen TV senior political affairs reporter and self proclaimed President of polygamous men in Kenya, Stephen Letoo among others have made it a point to hold the first real conference.

Generally, men's conference is an event that is specifically designed to provide men with opportunities for personal growth, networking, and education. These conferences may focus on a range of topics that are of particular interest to men, such as career development, fatherhood, spirituality, health and fitness, relationships, and more.

Men's conferences may be organized by businesses, religious groups, community organizations, or other groups. They may be held in a variety of locations, such as convention centers, hotels, retreat centers, or online platforms like Zoom or Skype. They are aimed at providing men with a supportive and empowering environment to learn and grow in their personal and professional lives. They often feature keynote speakers, workshops, panels, and networking opportunities that allow men to connect with others who share similar interests and goals.

The most notable men's conference event went down at the Carnivore Simba saloon, Nairobi. The  event was reported to be pure success, with exception of delegates from Western Kenya who caused a little trouble during meals. Indian and Bangladesh delegates were also reported to have arrived late. The venue was so full. Notable guests were reported to be in attendance, including former Nairobi governor Mike Sonko, Dr Frank Njenga, Lawyer Dunstan Omari, Embakasi East MP Babu Owino, Dr. Ezekiel Mutua among others.

A similar event happened in Meru County. The conference, organised by Ikokay-Cheki Tubonge, Meru Care Medical Centre, Chainless Entertainment, and others, was held at Ridgeways Gardens near Makutano and drew participants from Nairobi, Meru, Tharaka Nithi, Samburu, and other counties.

For an entire day, bankers, businessmen, lawyers, doctors, and former and sitting MCAs opened their hearts and learned from their fellows.

Kenyans on Twitter were also not left behind as they made hilarious memes about these events.




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