Tuesday 27 September 2022

That Clingy Ex- Boyfriend


By Brenda Bungei

I don't know if it's adrenaline when you see your affectionate ex, or is it just hormones playing "I noticed him.” Well, we can't quite tell either because we are either trying to quicken our steps or it's him trying to avoid those kinds of awkward stares and terrible moments.

So that aside, the ex-boyfriend is back, yet there's someone else in the picture now. Not that it matters who owns the camera, my ego is at stake here, but the heart pays the price. It always does. I am in the conflict approach, yet I can’t seem to want to solve it.

This got my head on steam, and I can't quite sit still. From one side, it’s appealing to walk towards it and get entangled in the old nonsense that was fun while it lasted. It’s more manageable that way. I would entice myself to forget the nasty breakup and take him in as if nothing had happened. On the other side, starting something new with this stranger looks beautiful. He seems like the kind that won't cheat. Instead, he'll go to the club, get high drunk, dance alone in that sad world and go home at 5 am.

 It's not like I am glorifying darkness amid a sad soul, but aren't we all sorry? Aren't we all scavenging for something? Approval, satisfaction, love, change, name it all. Once we grasp it, we forget how to be satisfied.  We want more and more; we get greedy and lust for more. In the quest for more, we lose our true selves, our human nature. We surrender ourselves to chaos.

This then leaves me wondering if it’s right to get entangled in a situation that I know might turn into something or return to that ex. We all have those clingy exes that seem never to move on. Even when they have the power in themselves, they move on; they want to hold on. Drag you in the mud with them even when it's clear you weren't bound to last.

 Are you that clingy ex-lover that never wants to let go? Well, it's sad that you might be that clingy ex-boyfriend who doesn't want to move on, but what can you do? A tender lie can't heal a wound. So get on with your life. It might be adrenaline when you see them walk past you, but you ought to learn to walk past them. You have to.

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