Saturday 2 October 2021

An open letter to the vc

I am  a dissatisfied comrade, I seek to address what I see unfit and unhealthy . Our  dear chancellor, we are your clients . It puzzles me how your administration seeks to engage itself in numerous multimillion projects, yet you have totally paid a deaf ear to our needs. We may need the facilities in the long run,but for now,please fix where the shoe  pinches most.

The recently published report which has been brought to the public limelight on the state of insolvency in the university .This is becoming a matter of national interest, with many asking what is happening to the once lucrative and dignified institution of higher learning. Why should the university land into very huge debts, yet even the minimal of service is not provided to the comrades? Why land into very huge debts, bearing in mind the fact that you recently increased fees for some courses?

As I walk around  ,Mr  Vice chancellor I see erected billboards displaying your intention of planning to engage in different projects within the school. To me, all that is displayed in those billboards is merely sarcastic and mission impossible. To highlight just but a few, it puzzles me to learn that you are in the process of building an amphitheatre. Is it sensible to commit in building a multi- million theatre hall, yet even the renovation of halls of residence seem to have become a burden to the institution? Have you  had a chance of walking around the hostels and learn the dilapidated state that comrades of hostels A, B, C, D, E, F, G, K and L are living in?  A walk around the lecture halls depicts a sad state of affairs. If not for broken benches and chairs, you are faced with hole- filled boards and poorly light halls that make it unbearable for a comrade to learn peacefully. This therefore begs the question, are your proposed projects realistic ?All we desire is to be heard.

The quality of meals offered in your eateries Mr.  VC is not worth the amount of money we pay . walking into the Mess, I am met by a smile from a lady behind the counter. My expectation is that the food am about to be served matches the huge smile am offered. Disappointment soon kicks in, after I am served. As I have the first bite, I realize that the meal is turning out not to be good . I am forced to walk away and seek the refuge of hotels at stage area, hurting deep inside the money I wasted in paying for the undesirable meal at the Mess. Well, of  concern is the failure to integrate  mobile  payment. This  Mr VC, we seek your audience. 

As this semester begins Mr. VC ,we hope you will do us better.  We will keep sending you open letters. In all honesty, we are just students  seeking to get value for money. Above all, journalists who are looking at our life  with here with a third eye,take no malice in our sentiments. 

                 Yours Truly, Dissatisfied comrade.

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