Monday 28 June 2021

Find your Eureka moment.

Money is everything,or so the modern saying goes . We live in a country where those with money seek out to employ their equals in the wealth basket.Others have mastered money. If one plays naive, then they soon find themselves in an unending cycle of desperation.The old-fashioned belief that people go to school to get good jobs and earn descent salary must be shaken off. It didn't work even to many of our grandparents and parents. Sometimes, we ask too much of education and end up not learning.

The purpose of education is not to get you a good job. It's to enlighten you and in the process, you may get a job if you wish so. Let education pass through you and not you, pass through education. Be a leader among the leaders and an elite among the elites.

It always haunts me whenever l bump on literate stories lively and on social media complaining and laying blame to the government for not giving them jobs even after scoring high in universities. But just to ask, why only university graduates are the ones who always blame the government for being jobless?

At times, some were forced by their parents to pursue the course(s) they didn't love and others, Kenya Universities and Colleges Central  Placement Service (KUCCPS) gave them the courses they didn't desire and the strive to do inter course transfer after admission failed. So as the case, they just accepted half-heartedly to pursue the course.

Otherwise, that aside; what about those who pursuit their dream course and now complaining of unemployment? More so, what about those who didn't reach college, university or even high school? Whom are they supposed to blame? Youths; it's a time we stop blaming our government for leading us a stray and create job opportunities for ourselves.

I've met 1st class honours indulging in businesses and  farming . I've seen many who even did not go to college or university employing degree holders. Personally, l was once employed by a class 7 drop out to run his business with a meager salary less than 7,000ksh. But was l supposed to complain? Normalize the habit of making yourself a brand other than complaining.

After college or campus, always keep in mind that, there's another life waiting for you out and it will not be dealing about lectures or tuitorials. It will be about you. Your parent or guardian won't be paying your rent or providing food for you. It will be just you. If you complain of being jobless after school, think about those school drop outs because of lacking fees.

Never miss out on opportunities because you were too scared to take action .When companies in your area of interest are hiring or looking for interns, it is important to send your application always. Paid or voluntary, it is a good platform to learn and practice beyond the classroom walls.

It's so painful to see a graduate with nice academic papers without skills. Currently, most companies with skilled HR's look for skills. Do you have skills to disapprove the recruitment panel that you are worthy for the job? Or just your academic qualifications? Even though the academic papers at most helps, have skills.

To those who are still schooling, of cardinal importance is getting rid of all the myths and find the truth about what it is you are pursuing in school. Whether or not you want to be employed should be a choice and not sheer circumstances out of desperation. This  creates an unending circle of self loath and poor mental health state.Graduate or not,find your Eureka moment .

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