Friday 19 March 2021

Caring is my default


The view through the window is amazing,so full of emotions.

It's not the sunset nor the landscape that has caught your eye.

It's her, she is alone, she's always alone.

Your emotions are bottling up, you are dieing to help.

You are attracted to the broken,

broken you say, aren't we all? 

So you finally get the guts to lend a hand,a spare of yourself trying to help.

Two broken people trying to fix each other 

So you offer what you cannot afford to loose

She gets better, with a thankful heart she leaves calling it friendship

You feel used, anger rises in your throat,

but what you do, your gesture of help has turned to a lump of regret,

It haunts you, so you drink your sorrows, swallow your pride

And say it's life,but is it?

Sucks to be caring by default, doesn't it?

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