Thursday 3 November 2016

Moi University student found planning to join terror group ISIS

Kenya has been grappling with the threats caused by terror groups, especially the Somalia-based al-Shabaab.

Hassan Kassim Hassan was found planning to join ISIS.
Hassan Kassim Hassan was found planning to join ISIS

The al-Shabaab has caused havoc in the country, with its sympathisers sneaking back and killing innocent civilians. 

The latest was the attack in Mandera town where 12 people were brutally murdered in a hotel by the militants. 

Moi University student found planning to join ISIS (photo)
He was arraigned in court

Kenya has also been battling radicalisation of youths by terror groups.
This was the scenario in Kizingo in Mombasa when a Moi University student was found planning to join terror group ISIS.
Moi University student found planning to join ISIS (photo)
ISIS material was found in his computer and phone

Hassan Kassim Hassan was apparently found with information related to the terror group in his computer and phone.

He was arrested and arraigned in a Mombasa court and was not allowed to respond to charges.

Moi University student found planning to join ISIS (photo)
Kassim has apparently been radicalised

The government wants the suspect to be held for 15 days so as to complete investigations. 

The court will determine his fate Thursday, November 3.

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