Monday 7 November 2016

Comrades Fail Ababu

 By The Legacy Investigative Team

On 4th November was a long awaited day for Moi University comrades to hear from the most radical, efficient, elegant,  intellectual, mentor, politician and father-Ababu Namwamba. The comrades particularly the forth years and the third years suspended their lectures to converge at the student centre for the event. The venue had been prepared earlier and chairs were well arranged for the same purpose. The security beefed up around the university premises following students unrest. 

Then what happened? Our trusted source told The Legacy News Desk that the even t had to be cancelled but termed “post-poned” to calm the student unrest. It is said that the   students especially those aligned to the CORD coalition, ODM affiliate party had vowed to disrupt the meeting on what they termed “disrespect” accorded to the CORD principal, Rt. Hon Raila by the once trusted former  serving Sec. Gen of ODM Hon Ababu. The unrest was evident at the student centre and administration square where students had gathered and formed various “kamukunji” groups. Some groups were shouting and thus their intention to cause chaos during the meeting was easily noticed. One of the previous MUSO      directors (name withheld) joined the group but to ensure he was on the safe side, he had to advice the group to relocate away from the student centre, away from dean’s offices.

The event was part of Ababu’s public lecture themed “WHY NOT?”, a lecture theme targeting the Kenyan youth and the university being a youth centered zone he chose Moi          University as his first varsity public lecture. In all the lecture he attends he has a topic chosen to answer the question Why Not? and thus  “What is the problem with Kenya….”was planned for Moi. The students opposed to the selected topic pointed a finger referring to Ababu as the problem in Kenya. The report which The Legacy Investigative Team could verify is that Ababu was accused due to his stand and his unexpected resignation did not go well with ODM’s supporters. It was evident that they had well planned their intentions to disrupt, harass and throw tantrums during Ababu’s lecture. There was fear that Ababu could have talked about his current and future political ambitions which could “dilute’ the CORDS support in the institution and Eldoret as part.

Reports which The Legacy could not independently verify, that Hon Ababu Namwamba had arrived at the institution’s            administration block. He was briefed about the security situation that surrounded the whole planned event. It was here that the idea to call off the event was reached and without further       communications to the students especially to those who had    expected the lecture. Another source from West Campus told The Legacy that after his (Ababu) frustrated event in main     campus he held similar talks at the campus. 

 Was it right to plan to disrupt the public lecture? Have the youth especially university students fallen into the unlearned  population? Do the free public lectures by National figures and personality always talk about political moves? This are the    questions that intellectual and well informed comrades are asking their conscience as the answers cannot be found from the corrupted minds…..THINK!!!

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