Tuesday 11 October 2016


Acting Moi University Vice Chancellor Prof. Laban Ayiro (in tie) during a prompt visit to inspect the institution's environment.
ByJEMEDARI Mwanawakiume

The third years of Moi University-Main Campus have expressed there fury about the co-option of 3rd year representative in the student guild, MUSO 2016/17.

On Monday 10th October 2016, 3rd years representatives assembled in front of the student centre to chat the way forward before meeting at the Dean of Students office. They presented three letters that called for nullification of the co-option of a 3rd year MUSO representative, that MUSO elections to be held on February or March next year and/or stopping the process of electing or appointing a 3rd year guild representative.

The Letter demanding the nullification of the 3rd year co-option to MUSO had the reasons that; first, it could catalyze and propel discord among the third years and that it was driven by personal gains by specific leaders, another reason indicated was that it might fuel tribalism leading to MUSO funds mismanagement.

The other letters called for nullification of the co-option post and amendment of the MUSO constitution citing that only comrades consulted were below a percentage of 95%, the process is meant about community and not on the interest of comrades, the process of coopting of a 3rd year representative is an idea build on fishy foundation. It cited that the student guild is build on leadership rather than appointments and representation.

Citing the constitution, the students said that MUSO is a platform of preparing young leaders for future and outside leadership and that there must be a well defined platform in the constitution for the same cooption.

The letters also stated on altering of the supreme students document, the constitution, addressing that every student is a member and subscriber of MUSO and that the sacrificing a section of students denies them a chance to vote one of their own leaders. The issue of amending the constitution for early elections is to remove the co-option post regarded as unconstitutional.

Addressing the matter, the dean of students Prof. J. S. Ayieko termed the co-option void. The students demanded for a MEMO to officially communicate the development. The dean assured the students telling them that there will be a sitting over the weekend to look into the issues in details.

"We will be having a meeting over the weekend and look into the details especially the alteration of the MUSO constitution to give room for fully representation of the 3rd years," the dean said.

On the other side, the MUSO Editor-in-Chief, Private Socrates, was attacked and his eye glasses nearly destroyed by the said students. He was termed and identified as the symbol of disunity and division among the third years students.

The editor in chief had to run for dear life into the hands of the security police who came to settle the scuffle.

Prof. Kindiki, the dean of school of education gave hope of amending the MUSO constitution to be all inclusive.

"We will draft the constitution and the draft given to the Moi fraternity to go through it," Prof. Kindiki gave hope.

Lawrence Mwombo, a 3rd year student representative before handing the letters addressing the grievances, thanked the acting VC Prof. Laban Ayiro for the visionary change and his dream of Moi as one of the leading institutions of higher learning. The VC had promised the review of marks to end the missing marks "blackout", contraction of roofs on all pavements connecting main buildings in the institution, boost security through floodlights installation and renovation of hostels especially the dangling electrical wires inside hall of residence rooms.

The deputy vice chancellor in charge of students affairs, Prof. Ogechi promised a quick action will be taken to restore students confidence.

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