Friday 8 July 2016

Kenyan Photographer Osborne Macharia Covers Courageous Mau Mau Fighters In Bold Photographic Narrative

Image: Osborne Macharia

There is definitely no better way to tell the stories of your countries’ struggles than through a creative mind.

In this series Macicio, the Kikuyu word for “spectacles,” Kenyan photographer Osbourne Macharia gives us a fictional narrative based on a group of freedom fighters in Kenya that lead a revolt against the British empire in the 1950’s.
Osbourne applies such detail and charisma to the series that it gives you a certain sense of nostalgia and innermost gratitude to the soldiers that were brave enough to stand in our defence in Kenya’s colonial times.
The photographer’s short prologue ascribes context to the photographic narrative:
It tells a story of a special unit of Mau Mau fighters (guerilla freedom fighters during Kenya’s struggle for independence) that was made up of highly skilled opticians who created crude spectacles to identify and eliminate the enemy at night. Little is known about them until now.
The descriptions are based solely on the interpretation of the artist.

General Njuguna

Commander-in-chief of the unit. Fighter since the age of nine. The different stars represent the lives he has saved.
Image: Osbourne Macharia

Second Commander Kigotho

The last man standing and only survivor from his previous battalion. He’s always at the back of the group with his specially designed specs that spot the enemy from behind.
Image: Osbourne Macharia

Karanja ‘The Mole’ Jere

Normally operates underground with his modified, underground-breathing suit. His hair is designed to appear like a rodent burrowing through the soil and his spectacles are telescopic. Able to see close to one kilometre away.
Screen Shot 2016-03-08 at 3.18.48 PM
Image: Osbourne Macharia


Communications expert and voice imitator, he uses the knobs attached to the mouthpiece on his specs to imitate five different animals using code language.
Image: Osbourne Macharia

Kimani ‘Ninja’ Nganga

Hands-on fighter and front man in the pack. He’s a master tracker and attributes his high level of senses to the wire dish on his jacket.
Image: Osbourne Macharia

And the wonderful team that created this amazing work 

HASSELBLAD MASTER FINALIST Osborne Macharia, The brilliant creative behind the spectacle designs, Kevo Abbra and team.

HASSELBLAD MASTER FINALIST Osborne Macharia, The brilliant creative behind the spectacle designs, Kevo Abbra and team.

Images courtesy of Osbourne Machari

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