Monday 18 July 2016


Greg Adero
They held hands partially and walked along the streets. Their lips locked periodically and giggling was all people could hear. All the way from Stage to Hostel H .People wanted to be like them. They had been like this for almost 2 years now. John* and Brenda* were both second years. Their behavior too was universal.

On that day, his roommate left and freedom could be heard screaming into the ears of John, finally he had exiled him. This was what he looked forward to all his time. Kisses as usual, a little giggling here and there. It was worth of a time. A look at them would make one faint with toxicity of jealousy in their blood.

This evening, they had made up their minds to go for it, for what they had yearned for. That moment when John would go into her and deliver her into the world of assumptions and sweet dreams. It could be seen in their faces that though in a shorter time, they accomplished their mission. Dead silence.

After two weeks, I found myself within their lives. I couldn’t tell who they were but i could hear their voices suddenly rising and lowering in tones. Early the next morning, a tragedy erupted, as i played as usual something hit me from within. I found myself calm, could not play anymore and almost still. I didn’t know what happened but after close to five weeks i got back my energy. I could hear a sweet nice voice always singing on the background. I thought I knew the owner but couldn't tell.

It was early in the morning as am told, a day like today when I found myself on earth. As soon as my umbilical cord was cut and detached and my cry was hard, I had known the owner of the voice i used to hear. It was Brenda’s, my beloved mother. I was yet to know that she had endured a lot more. After weeks and months of growth, stories started flowing and I got to know my dad. John had become a drunkard.

On the go was that, John had ordered Brenda to get rid of me as soon he found out that I was the ultimate price. The moment I had something hit me was because of his forceful tact which ended up with Brenda receiving blows and kicks from all corners of her abdomen…God’s grace prevailed and my mother survived.

Months passed and another year rolled. I remember that day, it was the last day of their studies. Mother had done all to make sure that I survived. Father always came in seldom and empty-handed though they still smiled. This day though was a different one, from the graduation square. There was silence till we reached at the KEEP LEFT signboard. Dad closely turned to my mother, looked at me and a booming voice was all I heard. I had dozed off but when I woke up, each was clinging unto one of my arm trying to pull me from the other person. I cried while calling my sweet mother in tears. She had broken down and father kicked her and took me away. We left her rolling and crying along the highway. Onlookers stayed from a distance.

We traveled close to 2hrs in complete silence and only my cries could be heard. I thought to myself and for a moment heard the songs my mother used to sing ring in my ears. I thought of how sweet she used to be and swallowed saliva bitterly knowing that I will never see her again. All of a sudden, people's faces frowned and cry erupted, before i could tell what was happening, my eyes saw a “keep left” road sign and into a long ditch people fell. An accident of the worst kind had happened and dad was among those who died. Miraculously, I survived with the thoughts of my mother. I was finally alone in this world.IT ALL ENDED IN THE “KEEP LEFT!”.

This story is dedicated to all those campus ladies who endure the pain of motherhood and love!. A special dedication to all responsible men in campus.

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