Monday 6 June 2016


The American boxing Legend Mohamed Ali passed away on 3rd June at the age of 74. Ali born Casseus Marcellus led a life worth celebrating and his name will remain alive over generations. Ali was not only a sports champion but also an icon in the fight against racism, human rights and protects his religion. Apart from being the only world’s three time lineal world Heavyweight Champion, Ali has left a legacy in several fields.

Casseus Marcellus was named after his father but he converted into Islam and changed his name to Mohamed Ali in 1975. His first expression of strong Muslim Faith was when he refused to be conscribed into the American army to fight in the Vietnam. He was quoted saying that war was against the Holy Quran unless declared by Allah, and he cannot take part in a war against Christians or non-believers.

Out of the ring, Ali was in the forefront in fighting racism and uniting blacks. Again in terms of joining the army to fight the Vietnam, this is what Ali said, ""My conscience won't let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America. And shoot them for what? They never called me nigger, they never lynched me, they didn't put no dogs on me, they didn't rob me of my nationality, rape or kill my mother and father.... How can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail. "
In 1980, Ali landed in Tanzania in a Diplomatic Mission to lobby Tanzanian to boycott the 1980 Summer Moscow Olympics in order retaliate against Russia's invasion of Afghanistan. The Mission however failed because president Nyerere never turned up to meet him.

Mohamed Ali was also very influential through his speeches, articles, films and music. His most memorable speech was entitled Black is Black which he made to Howard University students. He also composed an album of spoken word in 1963 called I am the Greatest and a song Stand by Me in 1964 and his autobiography The Greatest, My own Story.

The world will wait for several years to find another icon like Him. A man who has been a vessel to fight for human rights, protecting them and being ready for what comes his way. His heart full of sympathy for humans and easy to fight for.

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