Friday 11 March 2016



Nothing is more important than having close friends who you can trust and count on. Friends have seen us weep when we are hurt or over the loss of something. They have also seen us laugh so hard that a drink comes out of our nose. They are worth fighting for. They dont care where you come from, your tribe, physical appearance, social statusthey will only love you for who you are.

None of their day goes by without them thinking of you. They keep sending us frequent short messages and never go long without checking on us. They accept our invitations despite their busy schedule.

 When we experience a big life change, they are supportive keeping in mind that you are still the same person. Though things might never go back to how they were, they help you accept life as it is and work for a better tomorrow. When we make mistakes, they try to be as open as possible and tell it to us straight to our face. They are honest and forgiving as they have probably been in the same boat at times too. They are like we have been through a lot together, we can get through this. Im not gonna let you go

 In case you move far away, they still consider a little vacation to visit you and hang out in your new hood. Let them know that they are always welcome at your place. When you think your new life will be such a bore, they prove you wrong as they will be right there for you when you least need them.

 They are the first to make sincere compliments about how good you look, how long your natural hair has grown or even your great choice of dress color. They make you feel confident even when you arent sure whether you chose the best clothes for the day. Make a point of appreciating them because you needed to hear that from them.

Real friends are the first to know when something unusual is happening in our lives. Be it, stress, pain or extreme happiness. They notice that we are sad, even if we smile or laugh; they can see it in our eyes that deep inside if we want to cry. If you want to talk about your issues, their door is always open. They mean to do anything for their friends where they can to help.

 Having fake friends in the past doesnt have to change who you are. You cant stop trusting people but before you do, make sure you think twice or even thrice. The closer you are to someone, the easier it is for them. Be the kind of a person you want to meet. Are you a real friendfood for thought? Sometimes, you never know who your real friends are; that is the worst part of friendship.

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