Monday 14 March 2016


By OGETTA Daniel

13th March was the 7th day since the official launch of the ‘VARSITY MISSION 2016,’ arrived with great potency. Though the abode seems chilly, the word of the Mighty Lord shall prevail. Comrades and the congregation arrived on time highly expecting to hear what the lord has for them this God given day at the Students’ Centre.
Besides this being an unusual venue for this service, in the course of the week, several activities have marked this humble-God-given task; evangelism. Crusades within and outside the campus premises, door-to-door evangelism among others that saw sinners realizing as well as appreciating the presence in one’s life hence the changing of the varsity mission motto to “still continuing.” Thank you Jesus Christ, for dying for our sins at the cross that we may be saved. Kindly return to Him dear friend for he loves you to the extent of sacrificing His life: mark you; He was God’s only son. John 3:16.

Those in attendance at the Sunday service were associates of Moi University, Moi University staff, comrades and Sunday school. Each of which was given an opportunity to represent themselves in the most honorable way they would. The praise & worship members, MUCU choir-representing the comrades and Sunday school praised the Lord though soothing songs but the most enjoyable moments were during the African medley; almost everyone realized that they would dance and praise Jehovah by dancing. Then ‘the best way to speak to God is by communicating to Him in your native language whilst the best way to communicate to your body is by using English or Kiswahili’ said one of the praise members is justified. The associates only echoed the fact that we should be ‘Joseph’ of our time as integrity, accountability and transparency is becoming a tragedy in Kenya.

Chaplaincy expressed its gratitude to all those who took part to see the launch of the varsity mission 2016 commence successfully; from the committee, stakeholders and the congregation at large. “I take this chance to appreciate the dean of students, DVC in charge of students’ affairs and the organizing committee, environment club members and all those who participated in the campus cleaning” said the senior chaplain as he urged the congregation to repeat “Na Mungu awabariki.” He also added that it had just began and will continue until Jesus comes.

The speaker of the day Rev. Gilbert Chumba reiterated the fact that a man/woman can be born again in his message titled REGENERATION 2nd Corinthians 5:17 KJV Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. Phillipians 2:10 was his summary verse after which he ordered for an altar. More comrades received the invitation of living a Godly life.

‘If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. John 15:10 KJV is an extra scripture he used too. In that it should be understood that we at one point shall come back to the God of hosts, a forgiving and an ever faithful Father.

As much as he fell short of time, his message was immaculate. The evangelists were also urged to keep the fire burning as at times; they serve to be the only Bible that others read.

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