Monday 29 February 2016


By DOMINIC Charles

It staggers the mind to think that the embattled former CS for Devolution Ms Ann Waiguru could swear an affidavit and shade more light on the dark track of how she hacked a conspiracy to defraud the government of KSHS.1.2billion working in cahoots with some national actors like Hon Aden Duale and Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchunba Murkomen.
Waiguru claimed that when the NYS looting jamboree hit the road, the Leader of Majority in the National Assembly Hon Aden Duale and Senator Kipchumba Murkomen were key players in the saga. The good madam Waiguru further explains that it was for that reason that Aden Duale forced some Jubilee MPs to withdraw their signatures from the motion to impeach her that was filed by the anti-corruption buster and Nandi Hills MP Hon Alfred Keter. This has left Duale tweaking in the cold and flip flopping in thoughts and has prompted him to make contrary statements to his previous utterances.

Aden Duale's press statement of last Wednesday raises more questions than answers on how this country is run. For instance; Duale claimed that Waiguru stole money allocated to NYS projects. When did he or his bosses in the coalition establish this? Does he know it's criminal to a bet economic crime as enounced in our statutes?

The former comrade of Moi University also claimed that "they" sacked Ann Waiguru after "she stole". The burning question is; Does Hon Duale exercise presidential powers to hire and fire members serving in the Executive?

Also, if memory serves me right, l can vividly remember how Ann Waiguru was invited to appear before joint committees of parliament investing the NYS fraud. The session was characterized by high octane politics ostensibly geared at sanitizing her. Immediately after the session, Duale marshaled a coterie of Jubilee MPs to a hurriedly convened press conference where he (Duale )heaped praises on Waiguru's performance in" putting the record straight ".At that time, did Duale know that he was lying to the Kenyan public in clear violation of chapter six of our constitution, the Leadership and Integrity Act and the Public Officers Ethics Act?

Comrades, remember also that Hon Aden Bare Duale, the Garissa Township MP concluded his statement by saying that it would deem fit if Waiguru visited the Mathare Hospital for mental check up or if she would have been routing in the Kimiti Prison.Does Duale really know how favorite madam Waiguru is to president Uhuru Kenyatta?

Finally,when Hon. Raila Odinga trained his guns on Waiguru, State House is on record to have come to her defence. President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy duped Kenyans by describing Ann Waiguru a whistle blower. Surely, with all these accusations and counter accusations flying round and still hot in the devolution airwaves, what did the president and the State House operatives know at that material time? Can we conclude that the priests of corruption with the help of their altar boys are determined to sweep the dragon of corruption under the carpet?

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