Thursday 25 February 2016


A camel toe is when a lady's pants are so tight that you can clearly see the lips of the vagina outlined in them

By DOMINIC Charles

No doubt, 'The shoe wearer knows where it pinches most'. However, many shoe wearers of this digital world are totally clueless about the pain of the pinching shoe. Instead, they mistake that pain to be the gist of modernity. We can therefore conclude that whoever formulated the sagacious adage must have overlooked many things pertaining fashion.

A camel toe is when a lady's pants are so tight that you can clearly see the lips of the vagina outlined in them. There is nothing as mortifying as directing everybody's eyes on your lady parts. You should do everything within your jurisdiction to keep your privates private. You should always do a spot check if your pants are tight lest you find out that your camel toe is out and roaming rogue when you are already out of the hostel, maybe to the church. A camel toe is very unflattering and will distract guys from noting anything else about you but only the.... It goes without saying what the hearts of such guys will desire.

For instance, last Sunday, my roommate “Ronny” was physically present in church but mentality watching a movie. We had entered the church spiritually ready for the service. We headed straight to a place where there were three seats vacant. We secured two and one remained vacant. Shortly after we were seated, there came a lady stealthily tiptoeing to the seat. She was dressed in a tight trouser and a pair of high heels. All attention in the church saluted her arrival since her uncomfortable shoes were also uncomfortable to the silence that existed between the congregation and the priest.

As the service continued, many including myself concentrated on the pastor in an effort to a message from the 'Good News'. It was not until the offering basket was near us that I noticed “Ronny’s” eyes glued on the lady's abdomen. I ignored that and reminded him to 'Give God what belongs to God'. Little did l know that my roommate's mind, soul and heart were away from God. This must have propelled me to condemn the camel toe.

Ladies should take care of their bodies; generally let’s keep our bodies holy for there are Gods temples

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