Sunday 12 March 2023

International Women's day

By Jackson Kinyanjui

The world is a better place today because of a woman. The world remembers the journey of women on march 8th, annually. We celebrate women for the achievements they have made in life may it in the field of political, economic, social, and cultural among others. Women have come a long way in getting their voice heard. This current generation is unstoppable. Women now more than ever are speaking out and taking up space. With the conversation on equity taking center stage in this years celebration , more is yet to come .

Wangari Maathai, Martha Karua, Lady Justice Martha Koome, Joyce Banda, Samia Suluhu, Margaret Thatcher, Martha Teresa, and many other women both locally and internationally have proved that being a woman can't prevent you from achieving anything achievable in life. These women have beaten all odds to leave a mark in the universe.

 This year's international women's day theme was DigitAll which mainly will focus on digital inclusivity as according to research that was conducted last year, the gender digital gap stood at 18%. This means that women are 18% less likely to have access to a smartphone and the internet and this is according to Thursday, March 9th, 2023 Daily Nation Newspaper. UN wants to use digital avenues to fight and address the challenges that a mordant day women face may it be sexual harassment in the workplace or even at home, gender-based violence, female genital mutilation, denial of inheritance rights, and discrimination among others.

Did you know that in the 20th century, women were not allowed to vote, go to school, or even be employed at workplaces? The work of a woman was to reproduce and take care of her husband and children. But today we have women who are presidents, CEOs, doctors, engineers, pilots, and many other big careers that were dominated by men. Women have refused to leave under the shade of society and have made their path, a painful path but rewarding one. The counties that practice female genital mutilation have made many girls lose their lives or have their futures destroyed. The ones that refused to undertake the cult were forced to run away from their home and go to a foreign land where they were given an education which they later used to transform their society by ending this evil act.

Though women have taken big strides to be who they are today, there is much to be done. Rome was not built in one day. Things like the 2/3 gander rule remain a jigsaw puzzle in Kenya. There are a few communities that also still practice FGM. Women still face sexual harassment in work places. We give credits that more has been done but still more can be done.

I will conclude by quoting The Legacy Chief Editor Maria Njoroge. "A woman is like gold which is heated at a very high temperature for it to be fine and useful.” She continues and say. "The challenges that the woman has undergone in society have made her so strong and resilient to face and overcome any challenges in life." She made those remarks as she joined other women in commemorating the big day at Mega Bites Hotel where they were having dinner as discussed how to use the digital platform to make the life of a girl child better at Moi University.

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