Thursday 26 January 2023

I cant Marry a campus girl


I Can't Marry A Campus Girl

By Hosea Namachanja

I curse my primary school teacher who told me to ring in my pubescent urges on women. My high school teachers and parents conditioned me to believe that I will get better ladies as my academic qualifications improved .  I was told the beautiful ones are not yet born and like a fool, I believed them. I always though my charm and allure with ladies will get better over time . They keep slipping through my fingers. My heart aches for carol, my first love who left me for ma man with a laptop and airforce.

I have had my fair share of bad luck in the love arena. I have suffered in the hands of unrequted love. I am a victim of loving a girl who chose a “mubaba” above our “love”. I was in second year when I attended my first class of character development. It is amazing how ladies move fast. I mean , I did not expect her to be okay with an emoji for a valentine gift when there was someone willing to give her the world. It was at the expense of my poor bleeding heart and my naivety as a campus boy finding himself.

I am set to graduate this year. Dear clansmen, hold your tongues that you may not wound my soul any deeper .I will only come bearing one degree ,My bachelors. I fell in love , I really tried. It went unrequited and the objects of my passion had other pursuits at the time.  I ask that I be received by my people with love . I sought it in the bosom of a woman and all I got is pain. I am yet to meet someone of my intellectual capacity .  I am tired of their Kiswahili Lies and nonsense .

My clasnsmen, Carol began a spiral of lies in my life. Her whereabouts over the weekend did not make sense . I heard a rumour that she goes somewhere in crocs and a huge T shirt. I picture her doing “wifely” duties to another . All dreams of her being mine come crashing down like a mirage faced in the dessert.

As the song lyrics go “I do not have a soulmate ,or maybe I do not have a soul”. I am not walking out of this university with anyone in tow to call a wife. I gave too much to the first one . My dear carol








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