Sunday 29 August 2021

My promotional plan.

This is my YouTube link .

YouTube opens a new world of endless possibilities. Starting a channel automatically draws you out of your comfort zone. You go straight from watching to creating. Your creativity, flexibility, and fluidity are brought to the test. I chose a topic on mental health to work on in my YouTube channel. It is wide and gives me a broad base to handle any issue that challenges human life. Good mental health creates a safe space to live a full life. The promotion plan is what I intend to use in making my content known and creating a niche for myself. I intend to make use of social media heavily and other platforms to work on my content.

a)Make use of blogs.

I have one blog three blogs.

They have a very active audience. One is a personal blog for my articles. The other is for our group work assignment. The latter is a blog I manage for my club. All the platforms should give me the wider reach I'm looking for to market my work. I will also ask my peers who have blogs to market my channel on their blogs.

b)My Instagram account 

I will post the link in my stories, profile, and biography. My account -maria Njoroge, has more than five hundred followers. This way, people that follow me can view and comment. Google will also suggest my profile to other new viewers. I will create a strong presence to improve my connection to my audience. Like, comment on their photos and content. Instagram is like a modern market. Anything that is well presented is bound to sell.

c)Create easily searchable titles.

According to the subject I chose on mental health, looking for titles that the search engine can easily optimize is Paramount. Things like: How to get consent, mental health, healthy brain healthy life. Health awareness.

Having easy and simple titles makes people relate to your work. When they search it, I will intentionally keep everything very simple. This is a delicate subject that needs more to tread carefully around the matter.

d)Use Twitter and Twitter fleets.

This is where the real work is. My account @marianjay has few followers. Over the next few weeks, I will increase my following by liking, commenting, tweeting, and retweeting. I will post my YouTube link and tag people interested in the same subject as I. Fleets will come in handy; they are simple to follow.

e) Hashtags

This is creating hashtags about the subject and people you think may want to view your work. For example. #mental health,#first YouTube #happy life# 


This is quite an active platform for me. I will create a broadcast that will ensure that everybody with my number can access my link and view my work. Those people that view my posts will see my link and click on it. I will also share the link with my friends who do YouTube videos. I will ask them to support my work, and in turn, I will support theirs.

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