Thursday 1 December 2016

UGANDA: Uganda Christian University Student Commits Suicide After Finding his Girlfriend Cheating

Reports coming through to us have confirmed that a final year student of the Uganda Christian University [UCU] in the department of Economics apparently took his own life for granted on Monday evening (29/09/2016) in his residence after catching his girlfriend with another guy red handed.

The young man identified as Tugume Samuel who used to reside in Banda is said to have been an Electrician irrespective of his studies and through this job he was earning money he was using to take care of his girlfriend (names withheld) plus paying of her tuition fees. 

Apparently a guy who saw Samuel yesterday morning confirmed that the deceased had a problem with his girlfriend after finding her with another guy at the campus hence ending up killing himself because he has been sponsoring her with tuition when she promised to marry him after studies

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