Friday 8 July 2016

Lies Guys Tell When They’re Hitting On You

By JEMEDARI Mwanawakiume

This Soap Opera demon behaviour is limited to just the Soap Operas. Guys have gotten “the player” title. Just ask any babe.

Our guys have very sweet mouths. They know how to “whine” you so you show them where your mumu button is.

Here are some common lies Naija guys have been known to utter when they’re hitting on you:

1.  You look familiar

My sister, this line is as old. You don’t look familiar, you look like his next victim.

small girl thinking meme african girl

2.  I just wanna be friends

Friends with benefits? Friends in Christ? Friends in what?
 Guys complain about the friendzone all the time. He’s not trying to get into the zone. Trust me.
I smell Lies meme

3.  I’m single

*Laughs in Chinese* When a guy says he’s single, just know his harem of women is down to just 3.

Na So Meme

4.  It’s complicated

This is the phrase you’d hear from the serial cheaters and married men acting single. It’s not complicated, he just won’t face his current relationship.


5.  I’m not like other guys

Oshey Mr different.
Differential equation.
We hail thee!


6.  I’ve never met anyone like you before

Don’t feel special he says this to all the girls.
Lies Lies Everywhere: Toy Story

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