Thursday 14 April 2016

Embu county to allow witch doctors to operate freely


The Embu County assembly has opted to not tax withes and wizards so as to  not ruin their lives.

Other reasons given for this was that the trade was popular among politicians who sought sorcery ahead of elections such as the 2017 general election as well as prominent business men and high ranking members of society.

The proposal in the County’s Finance Bill 2016 to tax the traditional healers and sorcerers KSh 5 000 a year was debated and some members of county assembly were of the idea of waiving the license fee.
“Sorcery has been a source of living for some old people in the area and taxing them will affect their livelihood. It is big business here and finding these people in order to collect the monies would be difficult considering how they operate mysteriously,” said Newton Kariuki (Muminji) as quoted by the Kenya News Agency.
Nominated MCA Rosemary Muturi however opposed the move saying that there would be uncontrolled mushrooming of black magic dens in the county.
“Soon the county will be covered in their advertisements of services they are offering which would only end up littering the county,” added Muturi.
The assembly was said to be unanimous in its decision to scrap the tax fee.
Witchcraft in Kenya is a big business as sorcerers brazenly stick up posters on every available surface to advertise their services.

Common services include manhood enlargement, success and wealth in life, regaining lost love or objects as well as healing from some diseases.

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