Thursday 14 April 2016

DEMOCRACY: Raila to step down upon a decision by the people

Opposition leader Raila Odinga has dismissed the perceived infighting in the CORD coalition saying it is a show of democracy which the coalition stands for.
Speaking in an interview to TV station France 24, the former prime minister said that the three CORD principals are in good terms as they seek to find the right candidate for the 2017 polls.
“It is not really a question of infighting, this is democracy at its best. We are a coalition, we are not one party. Even if you were one party as ODM, there are other people who are interested in running for the presidency,” Raila said.
On whether he is willing to step aside to allow another person to run for the presidency, Raila said he has no objection to that.
He said that the decision is with the people. If they feel like he is the right candidate to take on Uhuru Kenyatta, he is willing to do so. If they want another person, he won’t block that from happening.
“I have always said that I don’t want to impose myself on the people. I will only run if the people want me to run. And that is why we say that we are going to find a way of nominating the CORD flag bearer,” Raila added.
His sentiments come amid reports of disagreements among the three principals.

In recent weeks, there has been tension over a possible split of the coalition after its principals failed to agree on who will be the flag-bearer come 2017 polls.
Ford Kenya leader Moses Wetangula has already declared himself the most suitable candidate to face Uhuru Kenyatta. He is being backed by other Ford Kenya leaders.

Wiper MPs have also been pressurizing Kalonzo to run for the presidency, saying there was an MOU signed that Kalonzo would be the CORD flag-bearer come 2017.

ODM on its part maintains that such an MOU was never signed and want Raila Odinga to contest for the seat as they believe he stands a better chance to challenge Uhuruto.

Despite the recent wrangles, the CORD leaders have maintained they are united and will remain so as they aim to wrestle leadership from Jubilee.

CORD senators Johnston Muthama and James Orengo came out to quash talk of a MOU saying they are united as ever.

But Ford Kenya representative Chris Wamalwa maintains that a MOU was signed and should be respected.

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