Friday 4 March 2016



In some or most instances 95%of the normal human has asked this question to self or a second party. “Is life fair?"This always arises when one is at the peak of life's troubles or has witnessed a touching misdeed or happening. In life there are a lot of oppositions in the kind of lifestyles that exists. Some are filled with happiness and comfort ability while others are fill with pain and suffering.

You may find a family stricken with poverty and the lineage exists as poverty stricken from generation to generation same to the extremely rich families. One may struggle in life so much that there exists no hope but on the other side of the coin another individual may never work but succeeds in life so much that you may think they sowed before reaping. Does luck really choose if God is fair? Most people have fallen lucky in life such that they don’t even remember their creator and surprisingly they continue to prosper. In another instance, someone has been going to church for years hoping that the same God who blesses others does it to him but remains desperate for the rest of his life with the words “It is well with my soul “as a console.

In campus and other learning institutions, it’s evident that students have different learning capacities. There is the native intelligence and crystallized intelligence. Those individuals blessed with knowledge without struggle or much reading and highly achieve the so called flying colors are the native intelligence. Yet that individual who struggles to and from the library, writing and concentrating during classes has crystallized intelligence. It’s so sad to see someone read so hard and come out with what he least expected while another is very comfortable and does not study much but gets beyond everyone’s expectations.

Am sure each one of us has a friend or that cheeky classmate who dropped out of school only to find him doing a great job beyond your expectations. He may even become your employer yet you have struggled beyond reasonable doubts. My friend the only secret in this life is working smart not hard .Education is essential in itself but also have other alternatives at hand like creativity and talents. In the Kenya we live in creativity will soon and have already started being the course means of prosperity. Corruption, theft, immorality are heads up among the highly educated so in some years to be the creative and talented are going to rule.

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