Bali koo!! Mbakarira mufubi ali ese olimukhusia, khane olimukhusia ali anyuma - He who hurries for an orphan does not raise him, because the one who will raise him comes later. Unfortunately we cheered when the one who is showing signs to raise is stripped naked.
My people were once and are still being referred to as Siyanja barende - the lover of foreigners. I was always against the proverb but what happened during the funeral of Mama Annah Nanyama, the Mother to Speaker Moses Wetangula proved me wrong. Of course Kenyans know that there's a big rift ideologically between Speaker Wetangula and Governor Natembea, but it wasn't prudent for Babukusu to jeer their own son when he stood to speak in the funeral. Governor condemned the politics of blackmail and mbekho mbekho from our Mps especially in funerals yet they publicly claim to be in government and have forums to push for the community's agenda. He spoke against the perceived abductions. His words were factual.
It was discouraging when Babukusu from Bungoma cheered on when Kimani Ichungwa lectured their son in public. It was sad when they responded with vigour and vehemence when the majority leader, coming from far away painted blood on the hands and face of their son. Can a son, a daughter, a brother, a sister not only watch but cheer and laugh when their father, son or brother is stripped naked by omurende? Something must be wrong with us! What a shame!!! Just a little reminder to us, Mao wo wasio sakhusinga wanoka ta- your colleague's mother cannot wash you clean.