Monday 21 March 2016

News Desk

News Desk
By The Legacy
Friday 18th March marked the peak of CIPA Awards when the winners got to be rewarded for their efforts in various categories. The winners were determined through online voting on the CIPA portal. The school of Human Resource Development produced five winners out of the fifteen positions. Ivy Kambi became first in Distinguished Leadership award category, with Nichodemus Murimi from the same school being number three in the same category.
In the Community Service Award, Stephen Nzioka became first runners up while PhillisWanja and Aimee Adete became number two and three respectively in the Entrepreneurship awards category.
Other winners includedJomoSamwel who was second in the Distinguished Leadership award category, OnyangoMoses, first in Outstanding Class Award and Gabriel Inzoberi and Nancy Mwariwho came second and third respectively in the category.
Salma Abdulattif was first in Community service category while Josephat Nyakundi came second. The Entrepreneurship category was topped by OwinoNicy. Shadrack Nicholas, Cyrus Kamau and Oscar Wango became first, second and third respectively in the Outstanding Innovations category.

It has emerged that The Course Bachelor of Education; Special Needs Education Primary Option is not recognized by the Teachers Service Commission. The announcement has caused a lot of panic to the students taking the course at the university. The MUESA Secretary General Clarified to the Legacy that he had a meeting with the Dean, school of education concerning the future of the students. About 500 students taking the course will wait till Tuesday to get further communication concerning their profession. Ojwang’ added that the rivalry between the school of education and School of Arts and Social Sciences that has caused the delay of content subject results like Geography and Kiswahili results has been solved and the affected students will begin getting their results soon

The Director for Security and Accommodation has clarified thatthe lighting issue that has affected D Houses in a recent past have been fully fixed. Sanchez says that a new transformer has been installed and therefore there is enough power supply. Power blackout in the D houses led to a riot that led to the burning of the House fences.

The spraying of rooms and beds affected by bedbugs is on. Speaking to The Legacy, the Health Director Vera Moraa advised all comrades who are still affected to register their rooms to the Public Health Officerthrough 0780224422. The director also cited that the laxity among the health officers at the university dispensary has been caused by various issues she wasn’t ready to mention.

The East African Youth Parliament has organizes a constitutional awareness meeting at LT3 today from 1600 hours. They are expecting the MUSO Sec Gen and his team to attend to give clarification on issues pertaining to the ongoing constitutional amendment. The Sec Gen of the EAYP clarified that the MUSO Sec Gen will have to make clear issues concerning the budget. “Running away from the problem is not solving it”, Ojwang’ said. All comrades are invited and a softcopy of the constitution will be made available at this time.

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